Graduated in Architecture from the University of Navarra (2007-2013) with the distinction of Honors in the Degree Final Project. Awarded in the VI Exhibition of Final Degree Projects of the XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism.
Master in Theory and History of Architecture in 2014. PhD in Architecture in 2018 with the thesis «Architecture, Sport and Society. Soccer Stadiums in Spain. 1925-1965».
He currently works as a lecturer at University of Navarra.
Editorial Coordinator (2015-2021) and Associate Editor (2021-) of the magazine «RA. Revista de Arquitectura».
As a result of his work he has received merits and recognitions, the selection in the prestigious FAD, BIGMAT or COAVN awards or the cataloging of his work in the ARQUIA PRÓXIMA festival and in the recent XVI BEAU Bienal de Arquitectura Española.
His work has been published in magazines as Arquitectura Viva, On Diseño and several high impact websites as Dezeen, Metalocus or Archdaily. In May 2022, the exposition Ecosistemas.zip celebrated in Madrid recognized his work as one of the top 10 Spanish practices under the age of 35.
+0034 666 111 758
Awards / Recognitions
- Can Felipa, Barcelona. Open competition. Finalist. 2024
- RE House, Lérruz. Catalogued ARQUIA PRÓXIMA. 2024
- LR House, Cintruénigo. Finalist XVII Brick Architectural Prize HISPALYT. Single family house category. 2024
- Espacio Idiazabal, Vitoria. Open competition. 2nd Prize. 2023
- LR House, Cintruénigo. Finalist XVI BEAU. 2023
- RE House, Lérruz. Selected XVI BEAU. 2023
- RE House, Lérruz. Finalist COAVNA AWARDS. 2022
- RE House, Lérruz. Catalogued ARQUIA PRÓXIMA. 2022
- Covered public square, Bakio. Catalogued ARQUIA PRÓXIMA. 2022
- RE House, Lérruz. Selected BIGMAT AWARDS. 2021
- XL. Aguinaga, Echaide, Sobrini. Awarded XV BEAU. 2021
- Entremutilvas Social Housing, Pamplona. Open Competition. 1st PRICE. 2020
- Regional courthouse, Puerto del Rosario. Open Competition. 3rd PRICE. 2018
- S" Offices in Lezkairu, Spain. Finished work. Selected. FAD Awards. 2018
- Covered public square, Municipality of Bakio. Open Competition. 1st PRICE. 2017
- Government Pavilion and Auditorium, University of Málaga. Open Competition. 1st PRICE. 2017
- Technology business incubator in Aulesti, Spain. Open Competition. 1st PRICE. 2015
- Serteqc Offices in Lezkairu, Spain. Restricted Competition. 1st PRICE. 2015
Recent publications
- CIDONCHA PÉREZ, A.J., TARRAGO MINGO, J. "Che tutto sia visibile da ogni punto" in Stoa Journal, Issue 11, Università degli Studi di Napoli, 2024
- Casa RE en Lérruz. DPA Arquitectura nº44, Arquitectura y Naturaleza, Enero 2024
- CIDONCHA PÉREZ, A.J., IRABURU BONAFÉ, C. "La tercera casa de Somosaguas. Reconstrucción digital de la Casa Ojeda de Javier Carvajal", en Hormigón, Nº3, Catedra Blanca UPM, Madrid, 2023.
- Casa LR en Cintruénigo. DPA Arquitectura nº43, Espacios intermedios, Octubre 2023
- Casa LR en Cintuénigo. On Diseño nº 416, Vivienda Unifamiliar
- CIDONCHA PÉREZ, A.J., SALAZAR LOZANO, M.P., "Seabees in Rota. Platform frame in prefabricated housing in Spain in te 1960s" in Contruction History, Vol 38, University of Cambridge, 2023.
- Clasicismo claustral. LR House, Cintruénigo. Arquitectura Viva nº244, September 2022
- RE House. Casa del Mes. Arquitectura Viva nº239, November 2021
- CIDONCHA PÉREZ, A.J., SALAZAR LOZANO, M.P., “Habitar una bóveda metálica. Quonset Huts en la Base Aeronaval de Rota”, en VLC, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, 2021, vol8, nº2. ISSN: 2341-3050
- CIDONCHA PÉREZ, A.J (coord.). and TARRAGO MINGO, J. (ed,), XL. Aguinaga, Echaide, Sobrini. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Navarra. 1978-2018, Ed. Eunsa, Pamplona, 2020
- CIDONCHA PÉREZ, A.J., SALAZAR LOZANO, M.P., “Doctrina, mitos y fachadas. La promoción totalitaria de los escenarios deportivos de masas en Italia, Alemania y España en la primera mitad del siglo XX”, en Cuaderno de Notas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, 2020, pp. 3-15. ISSN 1138-1590
- CIDONCHA PÉREZ, A.J., SALAZAR LOZANO, M.P., "En busca de la modernidad deseada. Arquitectos españoles en EE. UU. en los años 50", en Constelaciones, Universidad CEU San Pablo, nº8, 2020, Madrid, pp.15-31. ISSN: 2340-177X
- CIDONCHA PÉREZ, A.J., "El Arco de San Mamés: El primer hito de acero en la Ria del Nervión", en XI Congreso Internacional. Historia de la Arquitectura Moderna Española: La tecnología en la arquitectura moderna (1925-1975): mito y realidad, Pamplona. 2018. ISBN: 978-84-92409-84-6
- CIDONCHA PÉREZ, A.J., "Construir lo construido", en Campus Ultzama Internacional: Construir lo construido. T6 Ediciones, Pamplona, pp. 65-72. 2017
- CIDONCHA PÉREZ, A.J., "Madrid Berlinés", en X Congreso Internacional Historia de la Arquitectura Moderna Española: Arquitectura importada y exportada en España y Portugal, Pamplona. 2016. ISBN: 978-84-92409-73-0
- CIDONCHA PÉREZ, A.J., "Las nuevas reglas del juego: del Nuevo Chamartín al Santiago Bernabeu", en Pioneros de la arquitectura moderna española: análisis crítico de una obra. Fundación Alejandro de la Sota, Madrid, pp. 32-51. 2015. ISBN 978-84-608-7409-6
Conferences / Exhibitions
- Universidad de Buenos Aires. FADU. Estructuras compartidas 6. "Un inventario concreto" 24th October 2024
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. "Monumentalidad y arquitectura contemporánea" 18th April 2024
- University of Patras, Greece. "A brief history of Architectural 3d Rendering" 26th May 2023
- UVA Valladolid. "IX Foro de Arquitectura Contemporánea Española" 20th April 2023
- Ecosistemas.zip, Sala Amadís, Madrid. May 2022
- University of Navarra. "20 under 40"
- Irene Almárcegui
- Jokin Lecumberri
- Enrique Rojo ( arrova.eu )
- Teresa Larumbe
- Jorge Tárrago, Ruben Alcolea ( alcolea+tárrago )
- Carlos Pereda, Oscar Pérez ( pereda pérez )
- Íñigo Beguiristain
- David Luri
- Laura Peydro
- Miren Celayeta
- Natalia Carballo
- Carla Díaz
- Carlos Iraburu
- Ane Monasterio
- Adriana Morentín
- María Gil